for those who conserve nature
We produce wood
through the trees
We speak to the sky
high quality wood
We produce

Forest Protection

Today we depend more and more on forest plantations to meet the demand for wood products. This produces a decrease on the pressure on tropical and subtropical forests.

Carbon Dioxide Capture

Forest plantations capture between 15 to 60 ton / ha / year of CO2 depending on the forest species used. They are considered one of the most important carbon reservoirs in the world.

Agroforestry Systems

Timber trees in agroforestry systems are generally harvested when the prices of the main crops are not competitive or to cover unforeseen expenses, this allows the landowners to obtain a quick income.

Our Services


Forest Project Management

This service is ideal for companies, investors or independent producers who do not have the basic knowledge of the maintenance and management of forest plantations or who do not have the necessary....

Coaching on the Purchase of Farms for the Establishment of Forest Plantations

RCR has a protocol for selecting suitable farms for the establishment of forest plantations that has been improved along the years and that RCR makes available to our clients. Inspection views, effective area....

Soil Preparation for the Establishment of Forest Plantations

The ground preparation work begins at the moment when our clients buy the farms. RCR carries out all the procedures to obtain the permits to cut isolated trees in areas to be planted, and once the permits....

Establishment of Forest Plantations

Planting trees is a very delicate task that must be fully planned and carried out by experienced people. RCR has female staff to carry out this activity. The future success of the forestry project depends on a high....

Maintenance and Management of Forest Plantations

Plantation maintenance and management activities must be carried out in a timely and technically directed manner. Many failures occur due to the absence of these activities despite having heavy....

Growth Control (Forest Inventories)

Annual control of plantation growth is an activity that RCR carries out in its projects, since the information obtained from these inventories is vital for decision-making regarding the implementation of....

Our services are backed by the support of a forestry team with extensive experience in the cultivation of wood and their constant presence in the projects ensures the adequate and timely performance of maintenance and management activities.

Growth control is carried out annually through the development of continuous measurement forest inventories, constant flights are carried out in order to monitor mortality, loss of trees due to lightning strikes, diseases, etc., this speeds up decision making and promotes proper silvicultural management.


